Our Blog
How Do You Like Our “New” Look?
After a few months of planning and developing, we are delighted to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. We wanted to offer a user-friendly website to better connect with visitors, especially the young mothers who need us most as well as with our community who may be interested in ways of getting involved. Hopefully this new virtual home will offer our friends and supporters a collaborative and fun experience. MOMMAS House is a multi-faceted program and we wanted to share our impact with young moms in need of our program, current residents, cherished donors and amazing staff.
We hope you like the fresh new look to the website, and the improved navigation that will allow you to find our mission, history, people and areas of expertise inspiring. This new home offers visitors the opportunity to explore helpful program information quickly and easily.
We value your opinion! Please contact us to let us know what you think - all comments and feedback are welcome. Many thanks for your ongoing support and we look forward to hearing from you.
While your checking us out, don’t forget to visit our Events page and sign up for our Newsletter!
Where it began…
Pat Shea, Founder and Executive Director, shares the story of what inspired her to start MOMMAS House Mother-Child Residences.